FaucetPay withdrawal error: The address does not belong to any user

Dear users!

If you are unable to withdraw to FaucetPay, note what kind of error is listed in the commentary on the failed withdrawal operation.

If the error text is: «the address does not belong to any user», it means that the bitcoin address you specified in your U24.co account has not been added to your FaucetPay account.

To add a bitcoin address to your FaucetPay account, take a bitcoin address that you have full access to and which your own.

Next, in your FaucetPay account, open the web page Linked Addresses. Link to your FaucetPay account some bitcoin address. Any of the added bitcoin addresses can be used to withdraw from U24.co

Edit the bitcoin address in your U24.co account. If the FaucetPay address field in the U24.co account is inactive, please contact our support. Give as your U24.co login and the desired FaucetPay address.